“The Death of Advertising”
‘The Death of Advertising’ – announced Tasha on a cold Monday morning. An hour every Monday morning is reserved for post-weekend catch-ups, a quick media review and brainstorming the EPP side of the business.
“How can we get more coverage for our EPP clients?”
“How are we gonna get more brands in front of more journalists?”
“How do you find new brands when shopping?”
“Do you even ever look at adverts?”
And so our discussion around the death of advertising began…
Here at In The Bag PR we pay attention to the way information is consumed, the best way to reach our audiences, and the value we can add to the brands we work with. PR is earnt, we work with journalists to showcase relevant products from our clients, this process is more considered and credible than buying ad space.
Consumers give more consideration to brands that are ‘recommended’ by media, this includes being featured in magazines, included in online gift guides or being reviewed by bloggers and influencers.
It’s not rocket science, it does take time, insight and a little bit of trend-spotting – but there’s nothing better than seeing our brand’s products in gift lists, articles, home inspiration features and spotted lists throughout the press.
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