Inside the Bag40 Lessons Part 2: Teamwork & Trust

40 Lessons Part 2: Teamwork & Trust


Hi there, welcome to Part 2 of our new ’40 Things We’ve Learned From 4 Years in Business’ series.


Last week in Part 1 we covered the big topics of Foundation, Fear & Faith. If you missed it, you can check it out here.


We’re so fortunate – dare we say, #blessed – to consistently work with some amazing people who are at the top of their game. And in year 2 of our business, 2014, we brought more people on board as our client base and service offering grew.


So this week, we’re talking teamwork & trust. Here’s what we learned…



40 Things We’ve Learned From 4 Years in Business


11. Pick the right time: we waited to hire staff until we had a clear vision of what we wanted our company to be, which made choosing the right people a whole lot easier.


12. Pick the right people: team fit is so, so crucial in a small business like ours. You could say we’ve been lucky that the right people have come along to help us progress the brand, work with more clients and provide a more comprehensive service. When you get the right people… keep them!


13. It won’t always be easy: the honest truth is that no one will care about your business as much as you do – even if you’re working with the most amazing people. And that’s ok. As long as you’re prepared for it and can manage your expectations – and their key deliverables – accordingly.


14. Let your people do their ‘thang: as a business owner it’s easy to have a rigid view of how something should be approached or finalised. #helloego! It’s much wiser (but, sometimes hard) to let your people bring their own flair to the table. Let go, it’ll be worth it.


15. Don’t micromanage: it stifles creativity. Instead: trust.


16. Work with people that are different to you: In our business, we all bring different skills to the table, and we all respect each other’s strengths and weaknesses.


17. Go with your gut: once or twice we’ve met with people who could be a good fit for freelance or collaboration work, but something hasn’t felt quite right. Leadership is a mix of discipline and intuition and we always try to do what feels right for us as well as for the business.


18. Take feedback, but don’t crowdsource your strategy: we’re lucky to enjoy a close working relationship with all our people and we’re always bouncing ideas around the office. We’ve learned to take feedback on board to influence our growth strategy, but we do still lead from the top. We have a clear vision for our brand and it’s up to us to steer the ship – it’s not the responsibility of the whole team to decide what we as a company should do next.


19. Be human: kindness can go a long way in teamwork. No corporate robots here, thank you!


20. Celebrate as a team: ‘celebration’ will be a common thread in this blog series, and acknowledging successes with your team is so valuable for your brand. It helps your staff feel appreciated and reinforces your company values, while bringing you closer to your ultimate goals. We love our team and we celebrate… a lot!


See you next week for part 3 in our ‘40 Things We’ve Learned From 4 Years in Business’ series, where we’ll be talking all about customers.


To your PR & Marketing success!






















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