Where Do You Want Your Product Brand To Be In Five Years?
“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” is surely one of the most dreaded interview questions for employees, sending sweat and shivers down the spine in equal measure.
But for entrepreneurs? Totally different story: the question stimulates hopes, dreams, opportunities and goals.
If you want your product business to scale the dizzying heights of global fame, or if you want your brand to generate enough income for you to retire early to a beach in Thailand (mmm, yes please!) then this post is for you.
Want the honest truth? If you have a plan for 2022, you need to start working on it now, in 2017.
Here at In The Bag PR, we’re true believers that anything is possible. But that’s not to say you can meditate on a big goal, send it out into the universe and then go back to doing nothing in the hope that your dream product business will magically manifest. If only…
5 Steps To Your 5 Year Plan:
- Work out what you want. It sounds simple – because it is! Your goal can change and evolve as time goes on, but the first step towards achieving it is to get clear on what it is you want. ‘Success’ looks like different things to different people… find your happy 🙂
- Reverse engineer the process: ok, let’s say you want to have a global brand in the next 5 years. Great goal! Take a look at what that would entail for your unique set of circumstances (your warehouse, your manufacturing, your team, overheads, etc). Look at everything you’ll need to arrive in that position and write it down.
- The plot thickens: next, plot out the milestones you’ll need to hit in the next 5 years in order to hit your goal. Remember, you can’t expect to wake up one morning, half a decade from now with the brand of your dreams waiting for you when you get to the office. If only… Success is a result, not a fluke. These milestones will typically be a combination of financial, brand awareness (PR), customer retention and logistical factors.
- Get started! There’s rarely such a thing as an ‘overnight success’, so if you want to be a global product brand by 2022 then you have to start today. Brand awareness and customer loyalty can’t be easily bought, you have to put the work in a build momentum over time. So get going, your customers are waiting for you!
- Throw everything at it: the main advantage in working with a specialist agency to build your 5 year plan is speed. Sure, you can do all your product placement, thought leadership, press tours, sampling, editorial copy and media management yourself, but if you’re starting from zero then it’s well worth investing in your future by working with the professionals. Decide how serious you are about achieving your dreams, and when the time is right, reach out to the professionals.
So, there you have it. Your 5-year goal needs consistent attention and regular measurement to make sure your plan is on track. And remember, the only real difference between you, and the brands that are already big players is strategy. You’ve got this 🙂
To your product PR success!
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