Advice3 Free Image Creation Apps For Social Media

3 Free Image Creation Apps For Social Media

It’s hard to scroll Facebook, Twitter or Instagram without seeing at least 100 quote images, branded photos or infographics so enticing you can’t help but stop and take notice.


So how are people doing it?.


Well, if you’ve ever wanted to join the party and create professional images for your social media, website, blogs or email newsletters (and we think you should!) then check out our top 3 picks:


3 Free Image Creation Apps For Social Media


1: Canva

Canva is a fantastic solution for social media images across all networks.

Select a theme from their gorgeous template library with hundreds of pre-made designs (and 1,000,000 images!) or start from scratch with your own photos and text.

Skill level required: beginner

Perfect for non-designers, visit



2: PicMonkey

Another fun & flexible online tool, PicMonkey lets you add filters, frames, text, and effects to your photos for use both on and offline.

With a free subscription as well as a paid upgrade, PicMonkey is perfect for the more adventurous creator with topical articles and step-by-step guides for creating more complex images & collages.

Skill level required: intermediate / advanced

Well worth a look around over at



3: Pablo

Created by Buffer, Pablo is still in the early stages of launch. A little bit more basic (and not as pretty) than some of the others out there, the tool claims you can create engaging social images in 30 seconds.

And because the platform is so simple, they’re pretty much spot on.

Skill level required: beginner

If you have ideas but not a lot of time, Pablo may just be the tool for you




Thank you for reading. We’d love to see your image creations so @tag us in your posts to let us share in the fun.


Enjoy, and see you next time!


The team at In The Bag PR

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