Advice15 Simple Back To School Marketing Campaign Ideas

15 Simple Back To School Marketing Campaign Ideas

15 Simple Back To School Marketing Campaign Ideas

There’s no rest for the wicked, and there’s certainly no holiday for marketers who now begin to turn their attention to the vital sales period between the ‘back to school’ sensation of September and the heated lead up to Christmas.

‘Back to School’ marketing campaigns can be implemented by any brand in any industry, with varying degrees of complexity, price points and promotions. Here we look at 15 simple ideas to tie your marketing, PR and social activity into this national shopping trend across Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

So there you have it, 15 simple ideas for Back to School marketing.

If you would like advice on your own marketing, PR or social media campaigns do contact our Directors, Sophie Kermani on 07739 554794, or Pippa Gibb on 07970 441046. Alternatively email [email protected]


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